This class has taught me so much. In such a short time frame, we were able to cover so many valuable tools. Although there were times that I felt so overwhelmed, I am so pleased with my ability to use each. Like everything else, I feel these are skills/knowledge that must be used or it will be forgotten. I was able to put a face on so many of the technologies that were introduced in thinking of how beneficial they would be for the student.
There were so many components that I found so inspiring. I was able to see a lot through a different perspective and for that I am grateful.
This is a blog to give viewers an idea of what Assistive Technology entails and how it can best meet the needs of individuals to open up their world.
The Old Man and The Starfish
The Old Man and The Starfish
Everyday, an old man walked the beach with a pail, picking up starfish that had been washed in by the tide, and throwing them back into the sea.
One day a young boy stopped the old man and asked, "Why do you throw the starfish back? It does not matter. They will only wash up on the shore again tomorrow."
The old man picked out a starfish out of his pail, threw it as far as he could into the sea, and replied, "It mattered to that one."

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Use of Assistive Technology in the Paralympics
paraolympics from Ginger Creek Community Church on Vimeo.
The paralympics is an international sports event where athletes with physical disabilities compete. Such disabilities include mobility disabilities, amputations, blindness and cerebral palsy. Those participating require technology similar to those participating in the Olympics. As with any assistive technology, it must match the individual needs of the individual. The goal must be clearly understood and then worked toward achieving. In dealing with this competitive environment it is crucial to consider all aspects necessary in order to maximise performance and stay safe. Some assistive technology used during the paralymics include light weight wheelchairs, prosthetic devices or rope tethers to name a few.
Through this video, one can see the true power of assistive technology and that is the ability to empower those that may not have have the opportunity to take part in such activities. Those with disabilities no longer need to feel that the disability is holding them back from achieving their goals. They are given the opportunity to live life.
I can not watch this video without thinking about how much freedom these individuals must feel when experiencing such activities. The freedom of movement must be incredible to leave a confining wheelchair to be in the open water.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Day 11- The A.T Road Show
Today we had an opportunity to see everyone's creativity at work. I was very impressed by all the wonderful ideas that everyone had and I am sure there are a few ideas that I may have to borrow as I immediately thought of students who would find particular things very useful. Barb, you had mentioned putting together a book of the shelf assistive technology. I think this is a wonderful idea and would love to check it out.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Day 10- Board Maker Plus
Today we had the opportunity to jump right into another beneficial program. Board Maker Plus gives students a voice allowing them to communicate with those around them. It also allows educators to create individually texts helping to meet the goals of the student while allowing them to be an active part of the class. I look forward to seeing what else the program has to offer.
As overwhelming as it seems at times going through the A.T available. It is not because the programs/ devices are not impressive and very beneficial but because there are so many, I feel that I will not use them to their full potential. When I return to the classroom, it will be one of my goals to incorporate as many as possible so my students and the educational assistants in our room will not missing out on any A.T that would increase the students abilities to achieve their individual outcomes.
As overwhelming as it seems at times going through the A.T available. It is not because the programs/ devices are not impressive and very beneficial but because there are so many, I feel that I will not use them to their full potential. When I return to the classroom, it will be one of my goals to incorporate as many as possible so my students and the educational assistants in our room will not missing out on any A.T that would increase the students abilities to achieve their individual outcomes.
Day 9- All it takes is a switch!
As much as I think I am beginning to see things through the perspective of others, I am placed in a situation where I come to the realization that I can't begin to understand how many strengths an individual with particular disabilities requires in order to complete tasks that many of us take for granted. I overlook how many activites/tasks I perform on a daily basis without thinking about how fortunate I am. I need to be reminded of this on a daily basis.
We focused on the use of switches in today's class. From a technical point of view, this mechanical device works by opening and closing to complete a circut. But from a real life point of view, it is a device used to empower a student offering control over an environment. It allows for inclusion, communication and engagement in social activities. They can be used by anyone but are most beneficial for those who are able to use it to replace a particular action i.e turning on equipment.
There are two types of switches: simple switch, used through touch and a speciality switch, used through blinking or breath. In deciding which switch to use, one must consider the way that makes the switch easy to locate and activate. The needs and the challenges of the user much be considered and the device MUST what ever the user needs it to do considering the users control sites (what they can use to access the switch)
All switch skill sets begin with cause and effect. Motivation and is verbal cues are crucial. The individual needs to want to use the device and the language needs to be related to the task. Along with this is PRACTISE and ENCOURAGEMENT and lots of it.
It was very inspiring to watch the video clips showing switches in use. The students were empowered for so many reasons and those students and staff assisting in this process were able to be a part of this.
We focused on the use of switches in today's class. From a technical point of view, this mechanical device works by opening and closing to complete a circut. But from a real life point of view, it is a device used to empower a student offering control over an environment. It allows for inclusion, communication and engagement in social activities. They can be used by anyone but are most beneficial for those who are able to use it to replace a particular action i.e turning on equipment.
There are two types of switches: simple switch, used through touch and a speciality switch, used through blinking or breath. In deciding which switch to use, one must consider the way that makes the switch easy to locate and activate. The needs and the challenges of the user much be considered and the device MUST what ever the user needs it to do considering the users control sites (what they can use to access the switch)
All switch skill sets begin with cause and effect. Motivation and is verbal cues are crucial. The individual needs to want to use the device and the language needs to be related to the task. Along with this is PRACTISE and ENCOURAGEMENT and lots of it.
It was very inspiring to watch the video clips showing switches in use. The students were empowered for so many reasons and those students and staff assisting in this process were able to be a part of this.
The A.T that we created..A Sensory Board
For our AT invention we created a sensory board. Our sensory board was made from various materials we found at the dollar store. A sensory board should provide students with a variety of tactile sensations (i.e. soft, hard, rough, smooth etc.). Our sensory board was designed for students that may be tactile defensive or tactile seeking. A student with tactile defensiveness over-responds to tactile sensations because their brains do not accurately perceive touch sensations. As a result they may be sent into fight or flight over small, everyday touch sensations. A tactile seeker enjoys and needs tactile sensations. They are the students that can be seen running their hands or fingers across walls, railings, or other objects in their environment. It is also common for them to constantly touch other people. Tactile seekers have a hard time refraining from grabbing and handling everything.
The tactile defensive student would benefit from using the sensory board because it helps them become desensitized to the sensations that are causing them to go into fight or flight. It can sometimes be a long and difficult process but I have seen it work over time. For the tactile seeker, the sensory board provides them with an appropriate means of getting their tactile needs met and therefore can serve to help them remain calm. In both cases, the sensory board could be used in any environment. One of the benefits of creating your own sensory board is that it can be made small enough to carry anywhere. It can also be tailored to meet the tactile needs of the individual student. For this reason, I think it is better to make your own sensory board than to buy a commercially developed one. You will also save a lot of money by making your own.
The tactile defensive student would benefit from using the sensory board because it helps them become desensitized to the sensations that are causing them to go into fight or flight. It can sometimes be a long and difficult process but I have seen it work over time. For the tactile seeker, the sensory board provides them with an appropriate means of getting their tactile needs met and therefore can serve to help them remain calm. In both cases, the sensory board could be used in any environment. One of the benefits of creating your own sensory board is that it can be made small enough to carry anywhere. It can also be tailored to meet the tactile needs of the individual student. For this reason, I think it is better to make your own sensory board than to buy a commercially developed one. You will also save a lot of money by making your own.
Ready Made A.T Device
Product Description
The ready made A.T device that we have chosen is a felt story board. The scene of the board is a doctor’s office complete with a variety of objects related to a hospital. It includes four people: a doctor, nurse and two patients all with interchangeable parts. The pieces are easily attached and detached and quite colorful.
The Student
The student is a grade one student with ongoing health issues causing him to require monthly visits to the hospital. He has high anxiety about these visits and has difficulty understanding what is going to happen when he gets there. He enjoys listening to stories and works well with hands on activities and is a hands on learner.
Due to anxiety, he has great difficulty in connecting with the other students. His lack of social skills isolate him from the others. His classmates are always curious about what happens on these visits but he is unable to logically explain the sequence of events due to his limited vocabulary and anxiety in communicating with his peers.
How this product will assist the student
This product will be used as a material/ strategy in achieving particular goals on his individual program plan. The felt story board will be beneficial for the following reasons:
1. The colorful pieces are appealing and are very life like allowing for recognition of items that he would have or will see at the doctor’s office. He will be able to use the objects to have a visual representation of the objects to begin making the connections to the vocabulary.
2. It will be used to create social stories as a learning tool for topics that need to be covered around the hospital.
3. He will be able to create his own “stories” to create ideas of possible situations at the hospital.
4. He will be able to use the story board to create stories about things that happened while at the hospital. As he is telling these stories he can be encouraged to use new vocabulary related to the environment. These words can be used in the work lists used by all.
5. Expressive communication skills will be developed in creating stories with the board that can be shared with his peers.
6. This process will also increase social skills as it will be a way to have the student communicate with the others in a meaningful way. This will hopefully reduce the gap that exists between him and the other students because he is talking about something that all students are interested in hearing about.
7. Technology can be added to enhance the learning using this tool. Along with his peers (social) he could use the story board to create scenes that can be created and photographed to create a power point or story book or video can be used to create a movie clip.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Day 8- Creating a video preparation story!

What an activity! If only everyone could have such a wonderful team during your daily teaching to work together and create. We had a great time and we are all very pleased with the results. We created a social story for a grade primary student on using a slide and it could certainly be put to good use (Video will be posted shortly). At times, teaching can be an isolating position. When a group is available to put their minds together wonderful things can happen. I know today would never have run as smoothy if we didn't have our own tech pro in the group. Technology can sometimes be overwhelming until you have had enough opportunity to use it. Since time is often limited, many would rather go the way they know missing out on so many new ideas that are literally at their fingertips.
Low Tech Assistive Technology Assignment
Low Tech Assistive Tech (off the shelf)
1. Jumbo universal remote with light
For those with visual or fine tune motor impairments.
For those with visual impairments

For those with visual impairments. This product can go on top of pages of text, etc.

For organization, executive funtioning skills,easy recognition, visual learners, etc.

For organization, can be easily attacted next to the student's desk.

For students with visual impairments of fine tune motor impairments.
Assisting with keeping within the lines in a less obvious way than colored options

Keeping important things close by for those with transportation issues.
Assists those who need a continuous reminder if a photo is attached.

The power of communication for a fraction of the cost. Opens communication
2.Magnifier with light with desk attachment
For those with visual impairments
3. Magnifying sheets/ overlays
For those with visual impairments. This product can go on top of pages of text, etc.
5. Color coding labels
For organization, executive funtioning skills,easy recognition, visual learners, etc.
6. Magnetic desk organizer
For organization, can be easily attacted next to the student's desk.
7. Jumbo dice
For students with visual impairments of fine tune motor impairments.
8. 3D Glue
Assisting with keeping within the lines in a less obvious way than colored options
9. Coil key chain
Assists those who need a continuous reminder if a photo is attached.
10. Digital Voice Recorder (20 sec)
The power of communication for a fraction of the cost. Opens communication
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Day 7- Making a message clear through video
Today, we began social stories or preparation stories as they are now called. Again, like other ideas we have covered, it is very important to consider the skill set for the individual for whom you are creating the learning tool. What a concept creating something that is tailored to fit a student's needs, considering their strengths and interests. It almost makes you question why this is something that would even need mentioning but when you think of the reality, it is so easy to overlook this crucial component. It is sometimes hard to keep the big picture in mind or the main needs of the particular student. We have to continuously remind ourselves that the focus needs to be on the main item that requires teaching. This becomes difficult when working on one issue begins a snowball effect.
I was very pleased to see how well the process worked for Miranda as she worked through her preparation story. Like all of us, we need direct teaching in particular areas. Some get it right away other may require a bit more time. This speaks loudly on the idea of how important support is and how all are required to be on board. Regardless of the lesson, it is so inspiring to see individuals come a step closer to being active participants in our empowering.
I was very pleased to see how well the process worked for Miranda as she worked through her preparation story. Like all of us, we need direct teaching in particular areas. Some get it right away other may require a bit more time. This speaks loudly on the idea of how important support is and how all are required to be on board. Regardless of the lesson, it is so inspiring to see individuals come a step closer to being active participants in our empowering.
Monday, July 12, 2010
I Pod Apps tailored to fit the needs of a particular student
Not only do I Pod touch apps bring a wide range of beneficial teaching tools to a student's fingertips, but they do so through very popular medium. I Pod touch allows an individual to use one of the most popular items on the market to promote learning, a concept that removes the worry that the piece of device offered to support a student may also cause him or her to stand out from peers.
The student I have focused on while browsing through the apps is a grade 11 student with a great desire to obtain his drivers licence in order to gain more independence. He also makes it clear that one of his goals is to eventually live away from the home. He has so much to offer those around him, and is quite worldly, but finds it difficult to express his thoughts. This is due to his anxiety as well as expressive language skills. He is in the process of a transition to work plan requiring him to keep a more difficult schedule organized as well as further development of skills for the job environment. When he is confident in a situation he excels but is very hesitant about completing a task that is unfamiliar. His fine motor skills are very good and he works very well with technology.
This student is challenged with global cognitive delays, is a non reader and writer, has low ability in short term memory/recall and has been diagnosed with select mutism and deals with extreme anxiety causing difficulty in social situations.
I found limiting my search for this assignment to a set number of beneficial apps to be very difficult. I found many apps that would be very beneficial to the student in consideration so I have included a list of a few extra that could be added in (based on his personal selections) as he becomes comfortable with the apps already programmed.
1. Hi
dden Curriculum for Adolescents & Adults ($1.99)
This app deals with the unstated rules and customs that can be confusing to individuals that have not experiences life situations that so many of us take for granted. Using real life examples, the app covers topics such as social relationships, community, money matters, work place and others. These are all topics that I have focused on throughout the year but it is sometimes so hard for an individual to grasp these concepts unless it is hands on examples. It is also difficult to judge whether the student will use what has been taught if/when faced with the situation.
Dragon Dictation (free of charge)
This app allows the student to verbally state the information and it will be typed into the device. This would be beneficial for so many reasons. First, is the students inability to read or write. This certainly limit the activities he is able to complete independently. Such a program would build this independence. Next, the student considered has high anxiety and will shut down if expected to speak to an unfamiliar individual. This program would allow the student to express his ideas through speech in a private situation. It would be very interesting to use the program to allow him to dictate journal entries to get a deeper understanding of who he really is.
3. Canada's Drivers Ed ($2.99)
This app contains everything you would need to know and more in order to prepare yourself for a drivers test in Canada. It has practise questions, common mistakes, drivers manuals as well as games to further practice information. It covers topics including emergency driving, lane driving and passing, responsible driving and sharing the road. It also comes complete with a visual progress meter providing an average score for all topics that is easily understood.
This is perfect for my student, not only does it offer clear visual pictures, it will prevent his inability to read or write to stand in the way of achieving a life goal. He is able to go through the program independently so anxiety an unfamiliar individuals will not impede progress. He can use the program for unlimited time frame so he will not be constricted by time. It is sure to develop confidence and will allow him to be completely confident in knowing that he knows what he will face upon entering the Department of Motor Vehicles.
The following are apps that I could not see going without mention:
*Pocket picture planner (to help him keep work days organized and hold personal information)
*Public Transportation Signs (to help with his program plan goal of independently using the
transit system for work and personal use)
*Work Skills Sampler (To practice life skills and work skills needed in transition to work)
*Survival Signs and words (Necessary Life Skills)
* Money Equivilence
This list could continue as I have not even touched on programs that would be used for personal enjoyment (i.e zen garden, cook off mama, etc)
The student I have focused on while browsing through the apps is a grade 11 student with a great desire to obtain his drivers licence in order to gain more independence. He also makes it clear that one of his goals is to eventually live away from the home. He has so much to offer those around him, and is quite worldly, but finds it difficult to express his thoughts. This is due to his anxiety as well as expressive language skills. He is in the process of a transition to work plan requiring him to keep a more difficult schedule organized as well as further development of skills for the job environment. When he is confident in a situation he excels but is very hesitant about completing a task that is unfamiliar. His fine motor skills are very good and he works very well with technology.
This student is challenged with global cognitive delays, is a non reader and writer, has low ability in short term memory/recall and has been diagnosed with select mutism and deals with extreme anxiety causing difficulty in social situations.
I found limiting my search for this assignment to a set number of beneficial apps to be very difficult. I found many apps that would be very beneficial to the student in consideration so I have included a list of a few extra that could be added in (based on his personal selections) as he becomes comfortable with the apps already programmed.
1. Hi

This app deals with the unstated rules and customs that can be confusing to individuals that have not experiences life situations that so many of us take for granted. Using real life examples, the app covers topics such as social relationships, community, money matters, work place and others. These are all topics that I have focused on throughout the year but it is sometimes so hard for an individual to grasp these concepts unless it is hands on examples. It is also difficult to judge whether the student will use what has been taught if/when faced with the situation.

This app allows the student to verbally state the information and it will be typed into the device. This would be beneficial for so many reasons. First, is the students inability to read or write. This certainly limit the activities he is able to complete independently. Such a program would build this independence. Next, the student considered has high anxiety and will shut down if expected to speak to an unfamiliar individual. This program would allow the student to express his ideas through speech in a private situation. It would be very interesting to use the program to allow him to dictate journal entries to get a deeper understanding of who he really is.
3. Canada's Drivers Ed ($2.99)

This is perfect for my student, not only does it offer clear visual pictures, it will prevent his inability to read or write to stand in the way of achieving a life goal. He is able to go through the program independently so anxiety an unfamiliar individuals will not impede progress. He can use the program for unlimited time frame so he will not be constricted by time. It is sure to develop confidence and will allow him to be completely confident in knowing that he knows what he will face upon entering the Department of Motor Vehicles.
The following are apps that I could not see going without mention:
*Pocket picture planner (to help him keep work days organized and hold personal information)
*Public Transportation Signs (to help with his program plan goal of independently using the
transit system for work and personal use)
*Work Skills Sampler (To practice life skills and work skills needed in transition to work)
*Survival Signs and words (Necessary Life Skills)
* Money Equivilence
This list could continue as I have not even touched on programs that would be used for personal enjoyment (i.e zen garden, cook off mama, etc)
Day 6- Busy getting things accomplished!!
Well, today proved that we are livelong learners and that I should question whether it is time for me to go on an IPP. I had a technologically draining cloud hanging over me today and it reminded me of two very important things. First, is the fact that not all students catch on at the same speed and it is very frustrating to be the one that falls behind as others begin to move a head. It is sometimes easy to move a long at a particular pace assuming all are able to follow. Secondly, is the lesson quite often realized in dealing with technology...have a back up plan. Thankfully our professer did not need to be reminded of these things and was very supportive and quickly moved us onto another direction. We were sent on a task to find low tech assistive technology. This is my favorite assignment yet. After seeing the large assortment that she had already gathered, we were rearing to go. The greatest challenge was limiting ourselves to a particular number of items. As educators, I find we are so caught up into our busy routines that we never give ourselves enough time to actually go out and see what is available. Doing such an activity as a pair was also a perk because it gave you an opportunity to throw ideas back and forth. There is so much out there and we really CAN NOT use funding as an excuse. I think it would be a neat exercise for my students and I to brainstorm together of things they feel would assist them in someway. I know it would lead to some GREAT ideas.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Day 5- Experiencing the Pro2go!
Today, we had the opportunity to present the categories, statements that we have applied to Pro2go for our student use. In completing the assignment for the presentation, it was made so clear how important it is to consider the individual who requires the device. This is certainly not a one size fits all situation and it is therefore crucial to consider everything about the student as well as his or her peers, environment etc in order to make the most out of the technology being used.
The following are key components that we felt were necessary to remember in programming:
The following are key components that we felt were necessary to remember in programming:
- The team must work together as all component are equally important and more minds bring more ideas to consider.
- The technology is only a material used to reach an outcome. IPP's are WORKABLE documents and can be continuously changed as needed.
- Be sure to keep things "only as special as necessary".
- Think of the student FIRST. The program is not being created for our convenience. Keep it as close to the students/the peers communication style.
- Keep in mind what others in the students peer group would be doing with the equipment and be sure to include this as well ( i.e IPod for music).
- Use the individuals who see the technology used most to discuss whether things should be changed, where frustrations were noticed if any or any other feed back they have to offer.
- It is very important that all who will come in contact with this mode of communication understand how to use it effectively.
- Never under estimate a student's abilities!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Day 4- P2GO..straight to my classroom!
We began our first assignment today, setting up a P2GO for a student as described in a case study. What an amazing piece of technology and I am sure this amazment will only grow as I learn more about it. As I play with the piece of equipment, I can't help but think of how benificial this would be for my students. The Ipod touch is such a hot ticket item, almost a status symbol for teens, using it to promote independence and communication is such a great fit. Who wouldn't want to carry one of these around? A statement that will need to be programmed in for non verbal students will be.." it's mine get your own"!! I look forward to checking out the other apps that are available.
Day 3- Frameworks were created for a reason!
Today we looked at a number of frameworks talking about the assessment processes of assistive technology. Although there are several different frameworks they all seems to revolve around the same threads. They consist of student, task, environment, technology and time. This is not by chance. Like all documents, they are only valuable if they are used. Those involved in creating such documents have down so to make it easier for those who work with students. Technology has the potential of opening many doors but not if it is not used in the most efficient way. It is not something that is meant to be tackled on your own but a team effort. Hearing the statement to start at the most basic and work up was a great reminder to make things only as special as necessary. We had a first hand opportunity with a wonderful A.T tool, the Ipod Touch with the P2GO app. All though I still have a lot to learn I am excited to see all of the features it would have to offer my students.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Day 1 : Seeing her mind 'wakeup' and having our eyes open.
What a great way to begin a class on Assistive Technology, seeing the ways in which it can truly open up the world for an individual. Susie Rubin used communication through a different means to bring us into her world. This was once a world that was very isolating, a world which made her feel like a non person but has turned around. Giving Susie a voice through assistive technology, allows her to let the world know what she was truly capable of achieving. The video really opens up your eyes to never assume the competence of someone based on appearance or the challenges an individual faces. We must try our best to provide access to the tasks we often take for granted, to consider what stands in the way for particular individuals finding something that could be used in order for achievement.
Day 2: Actions can speak louder than words!
The power of communication continues on into day two. Seeing what Mike was able to accomplish using only his thumbs was so inspiring. Words are very powerful but communication in its practical sense is universal. Giving individuals a voice allows them to live life. Assistive Technology can not do this on its own. It requires those who are willing to provide the opportunity. It is often necessary to stand back and try to see things from other perspectives. An individual misses out on too much for one to assume nothing can be done, instead we have to but our heads together and use whatever we have available. Our language is only meaningful because we are understand what it represents. If a blink or a gesture has an understood meaning, they too will allow for empowerment.
- Common Language
- A Communication Partner
- Joint Attention
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