For our AT invention we created a sensory board. Our sensory board was made from various materials we found at the dollar store. A sensory board should provide students with a variety of tactile sensations (i.e. soft, hard, rough, smooth etc.). Our sensory board was designed for students that may be tactile defensive or tactile seeking. A student with tactile defensiveness over-responds to tactile sensations because their brains do not accurately perceive touch sensations. As a result they may be sent into fight or flight over small, everyday touch sensations. A tactile seeker enjoys and needs tactile sensations. They are the students that can be seen running their hands or fingers across walls, railings, or other objects in their environment. It is also common for them to constantly touch other people. Tactile seekers have a hard time refraining from grabbing and handling everything.
The tactile defensive student would benefit from using the sensory board because it helps them become desensitized to the sensations that are causing them to go into fight or flight. It can sometimes be a long and difficult process but I have seen it work over time. For the tactile seeker, the sensory board provides them with an appropriate means of getting their tactile needs met and therefore can serve to help them remain calm. In both cases, the sensory board could be used in any environment. One of the benefits of creating your own sensory board is that it can be made small enough to carry anywhere. It can also be tailored to meet the tactile needs of the individual student. For this reason, I think it is better to make your own sensory board than to buy a commercially developed one. You will also save a lot of money by making your own.
This is a blog to give viewers an idea of what Assistive Technology entails and how it can best meet the needs of individuals to open up their world.
The Old Man and The Starfish
The Old Man and The Starfish
Everyday, an old man walked the beach with a pail, picking up starfish that had been washed in by the tide, and throwing them back into the sea.
One day a young boy stopped the old man and asked, "Why do you throw the starfish back? It does not matter. They will only wash up on the shore again tomorrow."
The old man picked out a starfish out of his pail, threw it as far as he could into the sea, and replied, "It mattered to that one."

I really love your sensory board, it is such a great idea to make them yourself- plus you can customize them for specific students.