Not only do I Pod touch apps bring a wide range of beneficial teaching tools to a student's fingertips, but they do so through very popular medium. I Pod touch allows an individual to use one of the most popular items on the market to promote learning, a concept that removes the worry that the piece of device offered to support a student may also cause him or her to stand out from peers.
The student I have focused on while browsing through the apps is a grade 11 student with a great desire to obtain his drivers licence in order to gain more independence. He also makes it clear that one of his goals is to eventually live away from the home. He has so much to offer those around him, and is quite worldly, but finds it difficult to express his thoughts. This is due to his anxiety as well as expressive language skills. He is in the process of a transition to work plan requiring him to keep a more difficult schedule organized as well as further development of skills for the job environment. When he is confident in a situation he excels but is very hesitant about completing a task that is unfamiliar. His fine motor skills are very good and he works very well with technology.
This student is challenged with global cognitive delays, is a non reader and writer, has low ability in short term memory/recall and has been diagnosed with select mutism and deals with extreme anxiety causing difficulty in social situations.
I found limiting my search for this assignment to a set number of beneficial apps to be very difficult. I found many apps that would be very beneficial to the student in consideration so I have included a list of a few extra that could be added in (based on his personal selections) as he becomes comfortable with the apps already programmed.
1. Hi
dden Curriculum for Adolescents & Adults ($1.99)
This app deals with the unstated rules and customs that can be confusing to individuals that have not experiences life situations that so many of us take for granted. Using real life examples, the app covers topics such as social relationships, community, money matters, work place and others. These are all topics that I have focused on throughout the year but it is sometimes so hard for an individual to grasp these concepts unless it is hands on examples. It is also difficult to judge whether the student will use what has been taught if/when faced with the situation.
Dragon Dictation (free of charge)
This app allows the student to verbally state the information and it will be typed into the device. This would be beneficial for so many reasons. First, is the students inability to read or write. This certainly limit the activities he is able to complete independently. Such a program would build this independence. Next, the student considered has high anxiety and will shut down if expected to speak to an unfamiliar individual. This program would allow the student to express his ideas through speech in a private situation. It would be very interesting to use the program to allow him to dictate journal entries to get a deeper understanding of who he really is.
3. Canada's Drivers Ed ($2.99)
This app contains everything you would need to know and more in order to prepare yourself for a drivers test in Canada. It has practise questions, common mistakes, drivers manuals as well as games to further practice information. It covers topics including emergency driving, lane driving and passing, responsible driving and sharing the road. It also comes complete with a visual progress meter providing an average score for all topics that is easily understood.
This is perfect for my student, not only does it offer clear visual pictures, it will prevent his inability to read or write to stand in the way of achieving a life goal. He is able to go through the program independently so anxiety an unfamiliar individuals will not impede progress. He can use the program for unlimited time frame so he will not be constricted by time. It is sure to develop confidence and will allow him to be completely confident in knowing that he knows what he will face upon entering the Department of Motor Vehicles.
The following are apps that I could not see going without mention:
*Pocket picture planner (to help him keep work days organized and hold personal information)
*Public Transportation Signs (to help with his program plan goal of independently using the
transit system for work and personal use)
*Work Skills Sampler (To practice life skills and work skills needed in transition to work)
*Survival Signs and words (Necessary Life Skills)
* Money Equivilence
This list could continue as I have not even touched on programs that would be used for personal enjoyment (i.e zen garden, cook off mama, etc)
The student I have focused on while browsing through the apps is a grade 11 student with a great desire to obtain his drivers licence in order to gain more independence. He also makes it clear that one of his goals is to eventually live away from the home. He has so much to offer those around him, and is quite worldly, but finds it difficult to express his thoughts. This is due to his anxiety as well as expressive language skills. He is in the process of a transition to work plan requiring him to keep a more difficult schedule organized as well as further development of skills for the job environment. When he is confident in a situation he excels but is very hesitant about completing a task that is unfamiliar. His fine motor skills are very good and he works very well with technology.
This student is challenged with global cognitive delays, is a non reader and writer, has low ability in short term memory/recall and has been diagnosed with select mutism and deals with extreme anxiety causing difficulty in social situations.
I found limiting my search for this assignment to a set number of beneficial apps to be very difficult. I found many apps that would be very beneficial to the student in consideration so I have included a list of a few extra that could be added in (based on his personal selections) as he becomes comfortable with the apps already programmed.
1. Hi

This app deals with the unstated rules and customs that can be confusing to individuals that have not experiences life situations that so many of us take for granted. Using real life examples, the app covers topics such as social relationships, community, money matters, work place and others. These are all topics that I have focused on throughout the year but it is sometimes so hard for an individual to grasp these concepts unless it is hands on examples. It is also difficult to judge whether the student will use what has been taught if/when faced with the situation.

This app allows the student to verbally state the information and it will be typed into the device. This would be beneficial for so many reasons. First, is the students inability to read or write. This certainly limit the activities he is able to complete independently. Such a program would build this independence. Next, the student considered has high anxiety and will shut down if expected to speak to an unfamiliar individual. This program would allow the student to express his ideas through speech in a private situation. It would be very interesting to use the program to allow him to dictate journal entries to get a deeper understanding of who he really is.
3. Canada's Drivers Ed ($2.99)

This is perfect for my student, not only does it offer clear visual pictures, it will prevent his inability to read or write to stand in the way of achieving a life goal. He is able to go through the program independently so anxiety an unfamiliar individuals will not impede progress. He can use the program for unlimited time frame so he will not be constricted by time. It is sure to develop confidence and will allow him to be completely confident in knowing that he knows what he will face upon entering the Department of Motor Vehicles.
The following are apps that I could not see going without mention:
*Pocket picture planner (to help him keep work days organized and hold personal information)
*Public Transportation Signs (to help with his program plan goal of independently using the
transit system for work and personal use)
*Work Skills Sampler (To practice life skills and work skills needed in transition to work)
*Survival Signs and words (Necessary Life Skills)
* Money Equivilence
This list could continue as I have not even touched on programs that would be used for personal enjoyment (i.e zen garden, cook off mama, etc)
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